Our Policies
Health and Safety
Drive (Edgware) Limited have a responsible and proactive attitude to Health, Safety and Welfare, and always ensure our qualified and trained resources are available to maintain safe conditions on all sites.
All work is carried out in a safe and efficient manner within the guidelines of relevant statutory provisions and steps will always be taken to avoid risks to employees and others who may be affected.
We will make certain employees are consulted and their views respected on any matter concerning Health, Safety and Welfare.
A full Health and Safety Policy is available on request and bespoke documentation is produced for each and every project.
Drive (Edgware) Limited actively engage the services of (insert here) who are our trading partner.
It is the policy and overall business goal of Drive (Edgware) Limited to provide services of the highest quality and in acquiescence with the clients specified desires.
It is also the objective of Drive (Edgware) Limited to enhance its standing and competencies in order to gain wider recognition in our field of expertise.
Drive (Edgware) Limited recognises that genuine commitment to understanding the current and forthcoming needs of its clients is essential to the accomplishment of these objectives and thus continually strives to make sure that the needs and reasonable expectations of the clients are realised in the quality of service it delivers.
To further the quality aims of Drive (Edgware) Limited, we have ensured that all employees understand and adhere to the requirements of this statement and only employ fully trained, qualified and experienced staff.
Drive (Edgware) Limited is committed to leading the industry in minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.
The key points of our strategy to achieve this are:
- Minimise waste by evaluating operations and making sure they are as efficient as possible.
- Minimise transport emissions through the selection of locally sourced materials and labour wherever possible
- Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers.
- Source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution.
- Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation